VeganVibe (VV) is all about positive change, and Our intentions are pure and clear, VV will be striving to do great things and you can be part of that.
Donations are strongly needed to, ensure that we can maintain the sanctuary and those we care for here successfully. We have cared for a 25 acre tropical rain-forest sanctuary in Far north Queensland for over 12 years now that accommodates animals in need, it has cost several hundred thousand dollars over this time and this is VV first sanctuary, although now we are struggling to maintain it. To continue our ability to care for those already here and those yet to come, your help is needed to maintain the well being of the animals. Donations will help create a self-sustainable system bringing revenue to ensure we can keep this sanctuary open.
All Profit goes into continued maintenance and the opening of more sanctuaries in the future.
We will be raising awareness to the issue of all animal rights including the human form, and how we can potentially save millions of lives and the environment. We will also help bring an understanding of Veganism and how it can bring one closer to contentment, greater health and how it may be the direction towards unconditional compassion and world peace. This I hope all of us want to see in our life time, so we can pass knowing that our children are enlightened and their world is safer.

Raising awareness is all our responsibility, and through VeganVibe you can do this.

Be part of this great venture and help bring VeganVibe to the world.

Joy and blessings to all, Enjoy......

Synjon Snelleksz

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