What has been accepted for far too long as acceptable "humane” behaviour must end, and it must end now; for the health of all Beings and for the sustainable future of our fragile home.
VeganVibe (VV) is here to turn the norm upside down! Our VV cafes come with the intention of providing global accessibility to clean Vegan food. Providing fresh, healthy, plant based foods, aspiring always for Organic, Bio-dynamic and local grown produce. Delicious Vegan meals available to all patrons, all day, every day!
Along with providing easily accessible, clean vegan food, our aim at VV is to offer a platform for information exchange, based on shared ideas relating to compassionate, sustainable living, with the intention of bringing awareness to the many benefits of adopting this peaceful way of life. We will be retailing through our premises acceptable, ethically sourced, Vegan products and aim to fund raise revenue for Vegan based humanitarian projects.
Projects will include the purchasing of land for the purpose of recreating environmental sanctuaries, finding a balance between re-vegetation, animal rescue reserves, organic production of food and housing to accommodate those working with us where possible. Creating a strong, peaceful community that will only continue to grow with every effort from all those involved.
The growth of one VV cafe and Animal Rescue Sanctuary within each state of Australia is the minimum goal, and we hope to achieve this as promptly as possible. This will give like-minded people the opportunity to work, eat and live within the developing Vegan communities. Caring for animals, growing organic food and working within the VV cafes will be a well-balanced rewarding life for all involved.
I have invested considerable time and money into viable business plans, and will dedicate my all to have this positive venture bloom into fruition. VV will be run to ensure it is self-sustainable, giving it the power to continually give back to the farmers, the Vegan cause and the people, and will only be governed by positive ethics.
Unfortunately, this isn't a project I can see through on my own. VV needs the support of the “global” Vegan community to achieve this. If this sounds like something you are passionate about, something you would like to be involved in, please get on board! Sponsor us or Donate now and contact me with your welcome input. We need to ensure that Veganism awareness spreads faster than ever before.
It seems that human kind takes far too long to change, even when we know what needs to be done, so let us learn from our long drawn out past. We all have a good idea of the horror that comes from the animal industries on many levels, so the sooner we can help others not contribute to these industries of horror the better.
My name is Synjon Snelleksz and I will be the driving force behind this new venture, my intentions are pure and clear. My ambition is to make Vegan awareness; mercy for animals, environmental awareness and good health for all beings, the new “norm”.
Change is needed now so help me bring Veganism to the light, for all species, and for generations to come.
All I need now is your support to help make this happen. Please sponsor or donate what you can, and call now.
Together we will make this happen.